
​We don’t give you false hopes or claim to be able to transform you in a week. What we do is change your life forever. We alter the way you eat but yet keep you eating the food you like. We help you understand your body and how to accomplish and achieve your goals.

Most of all we give you the key and teach you what you need to know, how to check your own body fat and understand what the numbers mean. We will help with decisions regarding your daily caloric intake using a simple method involving your RMR (resting metabolic rate).

Most trainers and life coaches use the RMR to determine the base numbers of your nutritional plan. At Next Level, we work with you and what you need. We can give you the short version which would entail just telling you what to do, or we are happy to give you the long version in which you would thoroughly understand the reasoning behind what we tell you. Either way, we will give you the tools to reach your goals.

If you just need nutritional guidance with a menu plan to go it alone, we can set you on your path to success. If you need nutritional guidance along with accountability, motivation, and strength/core training, we are ready to get you going!

 "Thou shall eat breakfast!" 

In addition to understanding proper nutrition, we know that it’s imperative to exercise a minimum of once or twice each week, preferably 3-5 times per week.  This doesn’t mean just going through the motions, but actually learning what your body needs in order to undo the damage from bad habits and unhealthy living. 

At Next Level we teach you how to get fit, look lean and toned, and stay that way with proper nutritional guidance and about 3 hours of exercise per week.  I’m going to show you a typical week for many of us:

· There are 168 hours in one week. 

· The average person gets 7 hours of sleep per night or 49 hours per week, leaving 119 hours.

· The average American works 46 hours per week, leaving 73 hours.

· The average commute to work is 26 minutes per day, or approximately 4 hours per week, leaving 69 hours.

· Let’s use 40 hours per week to share between spending time with your significant other, children, pets, cooking, laundry and cleaning, leaving 29 hours.

· With the remaining 29 hours, we need time to eat, workout, run errands, see our friends, shower and prepare for each day.  We might want to watch a game or tv show, play a round of golf, catch a movie, or many other activities that we try to make time for.


The point is, when it comes down to it, every moment of our day seems to be full and often it is spent taking care of others.  It’s important to remember that it’s okay to be selfish sometimes, even if only for 3-5 hours per week.  Having this time to do something positive for yourself will be reflected in every other aspect of your life.

As you begin your journey to healthier living, you will look and feel better, you will become more comfortable with yourself, have more energy, and not experience the emotional ups and downs that can be caused by dieting.  This is not about diet, but lifestyle change…a completely new way of life.

Many studies show that exercise can increase your libido by producing endorphins (feel good hormones), increasing your energy and stamina, and giving you more self-confidence, leading one to be less inhibited or self-conscious.  Those late night headaches may start to go away, replaced by activities that may be more fun and help you sleep better--LOL--.

At Next Level, we strive to change lives, give you a new outlook, and have fun in the process.  If you’re ready to make this change, I’m here to teach you THE SOLUTION.

-Phillip Penza

The Solution